Think about a high-risk situation. Let’s say you take a flying lesson. You get into a plane, you’ve never flown one before, and you prime the engines, ready to pull up into the sky. You’re taking a risk, and you can feel it, but it’s a risk with guardrails. In the end, you know you are as safe as possible. But why? Because you feel safe in the hands of the flight instructor, with thousands of hours of experience in the air, and a relationship with an expert ground crew. They have the knowledge, skills, and adaptability to handle changes as they arise. They’re trusted experts in an industry where you’re not comfortable flying solo. 

As content producers and strategic communications experts, we’re a lot like flight instructors. We bring thousands of hours of expertise to helping our clients craft cut-through narratives and messaging, and years of experience in newsrooms, publishing houses and major companies, understanding what really makes an audience engage with a piece of storytelling as opposed to passing it over. We know how to turn your work into stories that will drive engagement online and elsewhere.

We like to work with organizations who understand that communicating effectively isn’t optional. Also, to do it badly is to take a significant risk. It might not feel to you that developing a new website is like sitting on the tarmac, waiting to fly a plane, but for your cause and its prospects, actually, if you don’t get the process right, it can result in some ugly missed opportunities. It’s the same with your storytelling bank or your upcoming annual report. It’s certainly true if you’re contemplating public relations activity. 

Let’s say, for example, that you’ve been in your field for some time and have established credibility and a reputation with your key audiences. For strategic reasons you need to broaden your reach, but have you considered how to reach those new audiences without alienating your core constituents? These are the kinds of risks that an experienced team can help you navigate easily, and with a sense of calm. Meanwhile, if you go to market without considering them, then the risks are significant. Many executive directors dread a late-night phone call from a board chair fuming about a piece of storytelling collateral. 

At TwoMinds, we’re used to being hired by in-house communications leaders, organizational boards, and senior leadership, often because they realize that the organization they’re working for needs to connect with a broader audience. They might not see that situation as high-risk, but it’s certainly one of high opportunity, and the opportunity cost for a good cause of failing to break through with a wider audience is significant. Reduced funding means reduced headcount and ultimately, failing to secure your mission and goals. 

Before you taxi to the runway, let’s talk. You want a sense of ease and safety before you embark on a journey like this. We’re happy to hear about your challenges and can help you make sure you land your strategic projects as safely as possible. 

Together, we’ll get you through it. Let’s chat!

Ellen Mendlow and Matt Davis are the co-founders of